Mill Road Winter Fair – Ironworks
Date(s) - 7 December 2019
10:30 am - 4:30 pm
What: Creative workshop led by Hilary Cox Condron & History Happenings with Helen Weinstein, Community Historian for IronWorks
Where: Access road leading to Ironworks
When: 10.30-4.30pm 7th December.
Come and chat to us about the community blue plaque history project and the public art proposals for the Ironworks site and join artist-in-resident, Hilary Cox Condron, at Ironworks for drop-in creative sessions. Hilary will be exploring the sights, sounds and smells of the former Ironworks site as part of Mill Road Winter Fair.
Helen Weinstein will have a pop-up exhibition showing what the Ironworks site and nearby streets used to look like in Victorian times when the Eagle Foundry and Coprolite Mills were in operation; showing bridges, railings, and water fountains fabricated on Mill Road.
An exhibition of the artists’ initial proposals for the artwork that will feature within Ironworks will also be on display. So come along and find out more about the inspiration behind their ideas and share your thoughts.