Who Lived & Worked in Victorian Sturton Town
Date(s) - 11 May 2021
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Please join us for an important event in the Mill Road calendar when Helen Weinstein, our Community Historian at Ironworks, will give the FORGE local history talk for the Mill Road History Society’s annual event when new research will be presented.
7.30pm AGM for Mill Road History Society
7.45pm Helen’s illustrated talk on Zoom
If you want to join in on Zoom then please click the link here
The event will also be streamed on MRHS Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/millroadhistory
Who Lived & Worked in Victorian Sturton Town?
Helen Weinstein will talk about life, work and welfare of the people who lived in the area by the new development of ‘Ironworks’, just north of Mill Road, known in Victorian times as ‘Sturton Town’. This will be an illustrated tour of historical sources and stories.
The talk will take you from open fields to the coming of the railway and Eagle Iron Foundry, to the building of the houses and early occupants of skilled working-class men and women, often running their own businesses from home.
Helen will share her recent research in the Cambridgeshire Archives to give insights into welfare issues including public health, sanitation, and the residents’ activism to fight for clean air, access to green spaces and growing places, play parks and allotments.
This talk accompanies the ‘FORGE’ Exhibition in partnership with the Museum of Cambridge and Cambridge Museum of Technology. FORGE has been created as part of the Ironworks programme of new homes being built by Cambridge Investment Partnership. The FORGE exhibition can be viewed online by clicking here.
Helen Weinstein, Director of HistoryWorks, is the Community Historian for Ironworks. This talk accompanies Helen’s community history project with Sturton Town’s residents learning together to research the area using original sources.