Posting local memories and photos on social media, and rediscovering old deeds and documents. Researching and sharing our history during the pandemic has helped people bond to each other, and to the places in which we live. FORGED BY HISTORY uncovers the local stories that have shaped us: reminding us that ordinary people can do extraordinary things, and that what we think of as ‘normal’ changes time and again. Can we – through rediscovering past heritage – be inspired to reimagine an alternative future?

“Tell me your stories, fix them tightly in my mind.
Well-worn lives that shine behind your eyes.
That speak of past and future like.”

‘Enid’, a poem about Enid Porter, social historian, author and curator of the Museum of Cambridge 1947-1976, by Leanne Moden.

The Ironworks Story

‘Place is a product of the people who built it, their environment and their history.’   The Ironworks Story by Helen Weinstein. The Eagle Iron Foundry was originally located on the north side of Market Square in Cambridge – where Marks & Spencer is now – until a fire at the Foundry destroyed it in… Read more »

The Building of Sturton Town

Many people have been exploring more of their local history throughout the pandemic. Paperwork and artefacts have been discovered as filing cabinets and attics have been sorted, and the past has, literally, been dug-up as more residents take to gardening; unearthing bricks, horseshoes, tools and glassware.  From deeds and legal documents to beer bottles and inkwells,… Read more »

Stories of Unity: Mill Road Depot

Creating an environment where life flourishes Three inspiring stories from the Mill Road Depot: ordinary people following their hearts and doing extraordinary things. Allan Brigham, Graham Watts and Albert Gordon, uniting communities through sharing stories, leadership and music. The Streetsweep Allan Brigham: Historian “Allan was a street sweeper for the City Council all his working life… Read more »



FORGE is an evolving project, sharing stories, ideas and actions together. We would love to hear from you!

 Please email Ironworks artist in residence Hilary Cox Condron at

Join the conversation on our Facebook page HERE

Hilary Cox Condron on Twitter @mshilarycox

Social distancing has meant we have had to find lots of different ways to connect. The FORGE Community Galleryis another digital opportunity to share our creativity and ideas, and spread a little joy, too. If you would like to add to it, it’s really quite straight forward and there are instructions on the page – posts can be annonymous if you’d like them to be and all posts will be monitored before it is made public. We would love you to join us there!

#ForgeCambridge #shapebondtransform

If you would like updates about the IRONWORKS public art programme and future community events, you can sign up to the Resonance-Cambridge mailing list  HERE